Project Profile:The installation and commissioning of the second set of GT13E2 gas turbine combined cycle unit of Shenzhen Nantian Power Plantwas contracted by Wuhan Gas Turbine Engineering company which is as subsidiary of China Power Hubei Engineering Company. NTPS took over the overall project management,installation and commissioningsubcontract of GT13E2 gas turbine and the combined cycle commissioning work. The project installation work, cold commissioning and hot commissioning work had been finished with a seamless connectionbetween contractor and NTPS through the close cooperation and take advantageswith each party.The project realized a excellent success of passing the gas turbineignition test,gas turbine and steam turbine grid connection test in the first time.This project also realized a excellent performance test with an CCPP efficiency of 54%, which exceeds the original design efficiency and is also far superior to the same E-class gas turbine which is the efficiency of about 51%.